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Il Carosello del Fellini

Day selection of seafood specials €36 (For two persons)


Le Cruditè di Mare

Oysters,scampi,red prawns and tartare of the day 25€


I Moscardini

Curled Octopus in tomato souce,served in bread basket 15€


Il Bignè

Cake of Mushed codfish €12


La Razza

Ray Fish balls with crunchy poteatoes €12


Atto Primo


Gli Gnocchi

Home Made gnocchi with lobster souce 18€


I Mezzi Paccheri

Filled with Sea Bass baked and besciamel €16


La Carbonara Sbagliata

Spaghetti with clams, ricotta Cheese and red mullet €15


Il Nostro Cacciucco

Typical tuscan fish soup €14


I Fagottini Neri

Black ravioli whit red prawns €14


I Pici

Home Made pasta with sea food souce €13



Atto Secondo

Day selection of Homemade dessert and cakes €7



Sorbetti ice creams and fruits €5



Bread, aperitif and cover Charge €3.50

The End?


Il pescato del giorno

Full fish of the day €7,50/€10 l'etto


La Catalana del Fellini

Lobster,scampi,prawns boiled in fish water with fruits and vegetables Salad €32


Le Cappesante

Scallops Grilled with warm Salad €22


Il gran fritto

Fried Cod fish,squids,scampi and red prawns 22€



Il Cartoccio

Fished of the day Fillet baked in foil with tomatoes,potatoes and white Wine €18


Le mazzancolle

King prawns marinated in teriaki souce in chili pepper caramel €18


...Meat Specials...


Tuscan mix

Typical specialities,salami raw ham,truffle Cheese by the farmer €28 (for two persons)


Il bis di fegato,

Cicken lever paté with toast bread €16


Il Crostone

Bruschetta with  lard and honey €12


I Pici fatti da noi

Home Made egg pasta With duck souce €14


Gli Gnocchi

With chestnuts and rabbit souce €14


I Cappellacci

Typical tuscan ravioli with pears and pecorino Cheese €12


La tagliata di Fiorentina

Florentine sliced steak €24


Il Filetto di Vitellone Tenderloin in red Wine souce €28

 F I R E N Z E

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